Manuel Trujillo, M.D.
Providing Quality Psychiatric Solutions
List of Publications
Standard Journal Articles:
Trujillo, M., Jardon, C. Refining Diagnosis by Clinical Observation: Recognizing Manic-Depressive Among Chronic Schizophrenics. Frontiers of Psychiatry, Vol. 7, #5, 3/1/77.
Trujillo, M. Interview with David Malan: Thirty Years of Clinical Research. International Journal of Short-Term Psychotherapy, Vol. 1, (31-41).John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
Slaby, AE., Trujillo, M. Psychotherapy and the suicidal patient. Primary Psychiatry 2006; 13: 77
Trujillo, M. Multicultural aspects of mental health.Primary Psychiatry.2008; 15:(4):65-71,77-84
Books and Other Monographs
Trujillo, M: “Psicología para después de una crisis” (Psychology after Crisis) Aguilar Press, Madrid 2002
Trujillo, M., Abad, AA, Román-García J. & Catalina-Romero C (Eds): Una Visión Psicosocial de la Enfermedad Coronaria. Ibermutuamur, Madrid 2006
Trujillo, M: “Gerardo Rueda: La Mágica imaginación de un genio”. Fundación Gerardo Rueda. Madrid, Spain 2008
Chapters in a Book:
Marcos, LR.,&Trujillo, M. The Use of Sodium Amytal Interview as a Therapeutic Modality. In J.H. Masserman (Ed.) Current Psychiatric Therapies, Vol. 18, New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1978.
Marcos, LR,&Trujillo, M. Language, Culture, and Communicative Behavior: A Psychiatric Examination of Spanish-American Patients. In Latino Language and Communicative Behaviors. R. Duran (Ed.), Norwood, NJ, Ablex Publishers, 1981.
Winston, A. &Trujillo, M. The Uncovering Process in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In "Edipal Factors in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy." Horner, A. (Ed.) Jason & Aronson, Publishers, New York, 1985.
Winston, A. &Trujillo, M. Working Through in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In "Edipal Factors in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy." Horner, A. (Ed.) Jason & Aronson Publishers, New York, 1985.
Trujillo, M. Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In "Psychotherapist's Casebook: Casebook, Theory, and Techniques." Kutash, L. & Wolf, I. (Eds.) Josey Bass Publishers, San Francisco/London, 1986.
McCullough, L., Winston, A., Farber, B. A., Porter, F., Pollack, J., Laikin, M., Vingiano, W., Trujillo, M. (1991).The relationship of patient-therapist interaction to outcome in brief psychotherapy.Psychotherapy, 28, 525-533.
Winston, A.Trujillo, M.- The uncovering Process. In: Althea Horner (Ed). Treating the Neurotic Patient in Brief Psychotherapy, Jason & Aronson Publishers, New York 1994,
Winston, A.Trujillo, M.- Working through . In: Althea Horner (Ed). Treating the Neurotic Patient in Brief Psychotherapy, Jason & Aronson Publishers, New York 1994,
Trujillo, M. & Winston, A. Conflict-Resolution in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In " Treating the Neurotic Patient in Brief Psychotherapy Horner A. (Ed.) Jason & Aronson Publishers, New York, 1994
Trujillo, M. & Winston, A. Termination in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy.
In ". Treating the Neurotic Patient in Brief Psychotherapy Horner, A. (Ed.) Jason & Aronson Publishers, New York, 1994
Trujillo, M."Cultural Psychiatry".In Kaplan & Sadock’sComprehensive
Textbook of Psychiatry. Vol. 7, Sadock, BJ and Sadock VA., (Eds) Williams &
Wilkins Publishers, Baltimore, MD. 2000
Trujillo, M.: “Implementation of Outcome Assessment in Systems of Mental Health Care”. In “Outcome Measurement in Psychiatry: A Critical Review”.IsHak, W., Burt, T., & Sederer, L .APA Press. 2001. 323-345
Trujillo, M.: “Culture and the Organization of Psychiatric Care” In “Cultural Psychiatry: International Perspectives”. Mezzich, J., & Fabrega, Jr., H. (Eds). In Psychiatric Clinics of North America. September 2001
Trujillo, M: “Aspectos Transculturales – Trastornos Neuróticos”. In” Roca, M., (Ed.) Trastornos Neuróticos. Sociedad Española de Psiquiatría. September 2001.
Trujillo, M: “The Treatment of Narcissistic Disorders with Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy”. In “Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy”.Vol.I: Psychodynamic/Object Relations. Magnavita, JJ., (Ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publishers, New York, NY April 2002.
Trujillo, M: “Culture-Bound Syndromes”. In Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 8th Edition. Vol II, 8th Ed. Sadock, BJ & Sadock, VA, (Eds.). Williams &Wilkins Publishers, Baltimore, MD. December 2004
Trujillo, M. “Psicoterapia Breve “(Brief Psychotherapies). In Vallejo, J.,Leal, C(Eds.) Tratado de Psiquiatría. Ars Medica. Barcelona 2005. Vol II: 2005
Matthews, AM., Trujillo, M. Anxiety Disorders. IN: Psychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS.Philadelphia, PA, US: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2006: 86
Trujillo, M. Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry.9th Edition.Sadock, BJ,Sadock, VA& Ruiz, P(Eds).Williams and Wilkins Publishers, Baltimore, MD. 2010.
Trujillo, M. La competencia Cultural en Psiquiatría. IN: Salud Mental en el paciente de La América Andina. Casas, M Ed. (In press).
Trujillo, M. “Psicoterapia Breve” (Brief Psychotherapy). In Vallejo, J.,Leal, C(Eds.)Tratado de Psiquiatría. ArsMédica. Barcelona 2010
Trujillo, M. Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry.10th Edition.Sadock, BJ,Sadock, VA& Ruiz, P(Eds).Williams and Wilkins Publishers, Baltimore, MD. In Press.
3. Published Proceedings Paper
Trujillo, M. "Community Psychiatry: The Resident's View." APA Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1973
Trujillo, M. "Delivering Mental Health Services to the Puerto Rican Client." APA Convention, Detroit, Michigan, May 1974
Trujillo, M. "Chronic Schizophrenic: Atypical Manic-Depressive?" APA Convention, Toronto, Canada, May 1977
Trujillo, M. "Short-Term Psychotherapy and Personality Change." American Academy of Psychoanalysis, New York, NY, December 1981.
Trujillo, M. "Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy of Highly Resistant Patients." APA Convention, Toronto, Canada, May 1982.
Trujillo, M. "The Day Hospital in Community Psychiatry," VII World Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, July, 1983
Trujillo, M. "Minimal Brain Dysfunction in Adult Schizophrenics." VII World Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, July 1983
Serper, MR., Ferguson, M., Allen, M., Trujillo, M., & Alpert, M.Neurocognitive functioning in Cocaine Abusing Schizophrenics.A Work in Progress. Presented at the Society in Psychopathology, Chicago, Illinois, 1993.
Serper, MR., Alpert, M., Ferguson, M., Thaler, T., Pouget, E. & Trujillo, M. Comorbidity of Cocaine Abuse and Schizophrenia: An Examination of Clinical Functioning and Neuroleptic Response across an Acute Episode. Presented at the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA, 1994.
Wallack, JJ., Trujillo, M., Marcos, L., Weinstein, H., Rosner, R: Outpatient psychiatric civil commitment. In: Proceedings of the 148th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Miami, FL: May 20-25, 1995.
Trujillo, M. "Active Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies". The Royal Roads to the Unconscious. Presented at the Conference on Analytical Therapy at the University of Cadiz, Spain. July 8-16, 1995.
Trujillo, M. "Towards a Culturally Competent System of Psychiatric Care." 149th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. New York, NY: May 4-9, 1996.
Trujillo, M: "Cultural Clinical Competence in a Managed Care Environment: A New Challenge for Cultural Psychiatry." Presented at the International Conference on Mental Health In The Americas. New York, NY. May 10, 1996.
Trujillo, M: "The Psychodynamic Treatment of Personality Disorders: An Outcome Study of Brief Therapy." X World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain. August 1996
Trujillo, M: "Substance Abuse Co-Morbidity in Urban Psychiatry." X World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain. August 1996
Trujillo, M: "Contemporary Techniques of Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy." X World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain. August 1996
Trujillo, M: "Urban Psychiatry". X World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain. August 1996
Trujillo, M: "Cultural Competence and Managed Care". Latino Behavioral Health Institute's Second Conference, Long Beach, CA. September 11-13, 1996.
Trujillo, M: "Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis." International Symposium, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. March 13-15, 1997.
Trujillo, M: “Outpatient Commitment: The New York Experience”, Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Toronto, Canada, May 30 – June 4, 1998.
Trujillo, M: “Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Theories and Techniques”, annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in New Orleans, LA, May 5-10, 2001
Trujillo, M: “XI National Congress of Psychiatry, Oviedo, Spain, October 2-4, 2002 (Proceedings)
Trujillo, M: “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”. The Psychological Impact of New York Twin Tower Disaster”, presented at the VIII International Symposium Advances in Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain, February 18-19, 2003.
Trujillo, M: “Culture and Psychiatry Diagnosis” Towards DSM-V” presented at the 2003 Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health Conference. Princeton, NJ, November 7-8, 2003.
Trujillo, M: “Cultural Competence in Behavioral Health”, presented at the Eighth Annual National Hispanic Medical Association Conference on “Hispanic Health Strategies across the Nation”. Washington, DC, Capitol Hill, March 19-21, 2004.
Trujillo, M: “El Médico y la Sanidad Española” presented at the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Médicos, in Madrid, Spain, April 29, 2004.
Trujillo, M: “Posttraumatic Stress”, presented at the Sociedad Española de Especialistas en Estrés Postraumático at the Colegio de Médicos in Madrid, Spain. June 14, 2004.
Trujillo, M: “Comorbidities and Outcomes in Psychiatric Disorders” presented at the World Psychiatric Association Conference: Quality and Outcome Research in Psychiatry. Valencia, Spain. June 17-20, 2005
Trujillo, M: “Psychology and Neuroscience in the XXI Century”, presented at the I European Congress of the American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry. Alicante, Spain. June 22-25, 2005
Trujillo, M: “Mental Disorders among Latinos: Biological and Psychological Influences on Diagnosis and Treatment” presented at the 2005 Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health Conference. Princeton, NJ, November 7-8, 2005
Trujillo, M: “Evidence Based Mental Health” presented at the Juan J. Lopez Ibor W.P.A. Centennial Congress in Madrid, Spain. April 19-22, 2006
Trujillo, M: “The Short Term Treatment of Narcissistic and other Self-Disorders, presented at the Symposium of the 15th European Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid, Spain. July 6-7, 2006
Trujillo, M: “La Neurociencia: vía hacia una nueva psiquiatria”, presented at the I Jornada Científica of the Fundación Alicia Koplowitz in Madrid, Spain. September 22, 2006
Trujillo, M: “Advances in Psychiatric Treatment” presented at the X Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatria in Sevilla, Spain. October 16-21, 2006
Trujillo, M: “Special Topics in Latino Mental Health Research: Including Children, Comorbid Medical Disorders and HIV”, ”, presented at the 2006 Critical Research
Issues in Mental Health Conference. Santa Fe, New Mexico November 20-22,
Trujillo, M: “From Seville to New York: One Life, Two Allegiances” presented at Instituto Cervantes Auditorium, New York, Life Stories Lecture Series on Thursday, January 25, 2007
Trujillo, M., & IsHak, W: “Innovative Ways in Psychotherapy Supervision: The
Short Term Dynamic Therapy Experience”, presented at the American
Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. May 18-24, 2007
Trujillo, M. Nuevos retos para la Psiquiatria Hospitalaria: calidad y eficacia.
Keynote Lecture. IX Congreso Virtual de Psiquiatria. Spain. February 2008
Trujillo, M. Towards a science based paradigm of cultural competence.
Keynote Lecture. Presented at the first NYU Latino Mental Health Conference
New York, October 13, 2008.
Trujillo, M. Tratamiento ambulatorio involuntario: 15 años de experiencia.
Presented at the XII Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatria. Valencia, Spain
November 7, 2008.
Monographs in a Series
Trujillo, M. & McCullough, L. Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Clinical and Research Issues. In “Clinical Insights Monograph Series” APA Press, Washington, D.C. May 1985
Telson, H., Glickstein, R., Trujillo, M. Report of the Bellevue Hospital Center
Outpatient Commitment Pilot Program. New York. Bellevue Hospital Center.
Department of Psychiatry. 1999